Friday, November 16, 2007

Art is a never ending journey..

Art is a never ending Journey, when I was a student in High School I never really understood the meaning of "art". What was it? What drove me to become the artist that I am today? I'll tell you what it is. It is about creating. It is about capturing that day, that time, that emotion.. especially in paintings. As a college student, a week ago, I had what you would call an art awakening, it happened one day when I was out in the city just sketching in my book. I was drawing a building far in the distance and then it hit me. The lights, and darks... the process of understanding Yin and Yang suddenly burst through to my awareness and I was then able to see "IT". I call it, "It" because it's everywhere in everything. I understood that the sky was darker than the building rooftop and by shading in the values I was able to make my drawing "pop" out. As soon as you become aware of this, you start to see many shades of colors in every single thing that you look at.

The kind of art I do is not professional, nor is it fantastic. But I can only hope to get better as I go along on my journey. It's a tough road to follow, but you have to chase your dreams if you want them to be true.


Here is some of my work. They are mostly projects done at school. (2007)

still lifes in Pastel

This is a still life I did in my painting class. I was so focused on this that I hadn't realized what it looked like from afar while I was washing my hands at the sink.
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This next one was challenging because I wasn't used to the ceramic appearance, and how to handle that with pastels.

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Painting done for Illustration Media- Southern Cassowary
Medium- Acrylic

This was a project for Illustration Media, sorry that the quality of this photo isn't so great, my macbook didn't do a very good job snapping a photo of it. For the assignment we had to get in depth with detail. I chose the Southern Cassowary as my subject because of it's dinsoaur-ish and exotic appearance. Using Acrylic is always fun to do, but the only thing is that the paint drys quickly and can end up messing up your brush if you don' t wash it when you're done.

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I had a lot of fun with this project. This was my first time using scratch board. I found that etching a wolf on here was interesting because of the way it's fur was flowing in different directions. Some little bits here on the head and other tufts, also I was working from a real photo but I had to draw it first and transfer onto the board with white charcoal.
Scratch Board- Wolf
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This was some random drawing I made of a spirit guide character. I did have some fun with this one, but I'm not pleased with the lower part of his face.

The Spirit Guide
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